Web Scraping (Part 1)

Scraping viewership is one area of web scraping, but perhaps you might be interested in doing sentiment analysis on content.

So we want to extract the contents of the web pages rather than number of times someone viewed the web page.

Scrape content (Wiki)

We will be using the RCurl and XML package to help us with the scraping.

Let’s use the Eurovision_Song_Contest as an example.

The XML package has plenty functions that can allow us to scrape the data.

Usually we are extracting information based on the tags of the web pages.

##### scraping CONTENT OFF WEBSITES ######
# XPath is a language for querying XML 
# //Select anywhere in the document
# /Select from root
# @select attributes. Used in [] brackets

#### Wikipedia Example ####
url <- "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurovision_Song_Contest"
txt = getURL(url) # get the URL html code

# parsing html code into readable format
PARSED <- htmlParse(txt)

# Parsing code using tags
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//h1")

# strops code and return content of the tag
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//h1", xmlValue) # h1 tag
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//h3", xmlValue) # h3 tag
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//a[@href]") # a tag with href attribute

# Go to url 
# Highlight references
# right click, inspect element
# Search for tags
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//span[@class='reference-text']",xmlValue) # parse notes and citations
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//cite[@class='citation news']",xmlValue) # parse citation news
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//span[@class='mw-headline']",xmlValue) # parse headlines
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//p",xmlValue) # parsing contents in p tag
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//cite[@class='citation news']/a/@href") # parse links under citation. xmlValue not needed. 
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//p/a/@href") # parse href links under all p tags
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//p/a/@*") # parse all atributes under all p tags

# Partial matches - subtle variations within or between pages. 
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//cite[starts-with(@class, 'citation news')]",xmlValue) # parse citataion news that starts with..
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//cite[contains(@class, 'citation news')]",xmlValue) # parse citataion news that contains.

# Parsing tree like structure
parsed<-   htmlTreeParse(txt, asText = TRUE)

Scrape content (BBC)

When you know the structure of the data.

All you need to do is to find the correct function to scrape.

##### BBC Example ####
url <- "https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-46387998"
url <- "https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-46382919"
txt = getURL(url) # get the URL html code

# parsing html code into readable format
PARSED <- htmlParse(txt)
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//h1", xmlValue) # h1 tag
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//p", xmlValue) # p tag
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//p[@class='story-body__introduction']", xmlValue) # p tag body
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//div[@class='date date--v2']",xmlValue) # date, only the first is enough
xpathSApply(PARSED, "//meta[@name='OriginalPublicationDate']/@content") # sometimes there is meta data. 

Create simple BBC scrapper

Sometimes, creating a function will make your life better and make your script look simpler.

##### Create simple BBC scrapper #####
# scrape title, date and content
BBCscrapper1<- function(url){
  txt = getURL(url) # get the URL html code
  PARSED <- htmlParse(txt) # Parse code into readable format
  title <- xpathSApply(PARSED, "//h1", xmlValue) # h1 tag
  paragraph <- xpathSApply(PARSED, "//p", xmlValue) # p tag
  date <- xpathSApply(PARSED, "//div[@class='date date--v2']",xmlValue) # date, only the first is enough
  if(length(date) == 0){
    date = NA
    date <- date[1]  

# Use function that was just created. 
##      title                                                          date
## [1,] "Ed Farmer: Expel students who defy initiations ban, says dad" NA

Keeping it neat

Using the plyr package helps to arrange the data in an organised way.

## Putting the title and date into a dataframe
url<- c("https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-46387998", "https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-46382919")
## ldply: For each element of a list, apply function then combine results into a data frame
#put into a dataframe
##                                                          title date
## 1              Man murdered widow, 80, in London allotment row <NA>
## 2 Ed Farmer: Expel students who defy initiations ban, says dad <NA>

Web scraping (Part 2)

This example below is taken from code kindly written by David stillwell.

Some editing has been made to the original code.

Scrape from Wiki tables

You have learned how to scrape viewership on wikipedia and content on web pages.

This section is about scraping data tables online.

# Install the packages that you don't have first. 
library("RCurl") # Good package for getting things from URLs, including https
library("XML") # Has a good function for parsing HTML data
library("rvest") #another package that is good for web scraping. We use it in the Wikipedia example

### Get a table of data from Wikipedia
## all of this happens because of the read_html function in the rvest package
# First, grab the page source
us_states = read_html("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_population") %>% # piping
  # then extract the first node with class of wikitable
  html_node(".wikitable") %>% 
  # then convert the HTML table into a data frame
  html_table(fill = TRUE)

# rename
names(us_states)<- c('current rank', '2010 rank', 'state', 'census_population_07_2019', 'census_population_04_2010', 'change_in_percentage', 'change in absolute', "total_US_House_of_Representative_seats", "est_population_per_electoral_vote_2019")

# remove first row

Scrape from online tables

If we can have two data tables that have at least one column with the same name, then we can merge them together.

The main idea is to link the data together to run simple analysis.

In this case we can get data about funding given to various US states to support building infrastructure to improve students’ ability to walk and bike to school.

url <- "http://apps.saferoutesinfo.org/legislation_funding/state_apportionment.cfm"
funding<-htmlParse(url) #get the data

# find the table on the page and read it into a list object
funding<- readHTMLTable(funding,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
funding.df <- do.call("rbind", funding) #flatten data

# Contain empty spaces previously.
colnames(funding.df)[1]<- c("state") # shorten colname to just State.

# Match up the tables by State/Territory names
# so we have two data frames, x and y, and we're setting the columns we want to do the matching on by setting by.x and by.y
mydata = merge(us_states, funding.df, by.x="state", by.y="state")
## Warning in merge.data.frame(us_states, funding.df, by.x = "state", by.y =
## "state"): column names 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', 'NA' are duplicated in the
## result
dim(mydata) # it looks pretty good, but note that we're down to 50 US States, because the others didn't match up by name
## [1] 50 25
# e.g. "District of Columbia" in the us_states data, doesn't match "Dist. of Col." in the funding data
us_states[!us_states$state %in% funding.df$state,]$state
##  [1] "Puerto Rico"               "District of Columbia"     
##  [3] "Guam"                      "U.S. Virgin Islands"      
##  [5] "Northern Mariana Islands"  "American Samoa"           
##  [7] "Contiguous United States"  "The fifty states"         
##  [9] "The fifty states and D.C." "Total United States"
#Replace the total spend column name with a name that's easier to use.
##  [1] "state"                                 
##  [2] "current rank"                          
##  [3] "2010 rank"                             
##  [4] "census_population_07_2019"             
##  [5] "census_population_04_2010"             
##  [6] "change_in_percentage"                  
##  [7] "change in absolute"                    
##  [8] "total_US_House_of_Representative_seats"
##  [9] "est_population_per_electoral_vote_2019"
## [10] NA                                      
## [11] NA                                      
## [12] NA                                      
## [13] NA                                      
## [14] NA                                      
## [15] NA                                      
## [16] NA                                      
## [17] "Actual 2005\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [18] "Actual 2006*\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "  
## [19] "Actual 2007\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [20] "Actual 2008\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [21] "Actual 2009\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [22] "Actual 2010\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [23] "Actual 2011\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [24] "Actual 2012\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [25] "Total\n\t\t  \t\t            "
colnames(mydata)[18] = "total_spend" # year of 2010
##  [1] "state"                                 
##  [2] "current rank"                          
##  [3] "2010 rank"                             
##  [4] "census_population_07_2019"             
##  [5] "census_population_04_2010"             
##  [6] "change_in_percentage"                  
##  [7] "change in absolute"                    
##  [8] "total_US_House_of_Representative_seats"
##  [9] "est_population_per_electoral_vote_2019"
## [10] NA                                      
## [11] NA                                      
## [12] NA                                      
## [13] NA                                      
## [14] NA                                      
## [15] NA                                      
## [16] NA                                      
## [17] "Actual 2005\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [18] "total_spend"                           
## [19] "Actual 2007\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [20] "Actual 2008\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [21] "Actual 2009\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [22] "Actual 2010\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [23] "Actual 2011\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [24] "Actual 2012\n\t\t\t  \t\t          "   
## [25] "Total\n\t\t  \t\t            "
##        state current rank 2010 rank census_population_07_2019
## 1    Alabama           24        23                 4,921,532
## 2     Alaska           49        48                   731,158
## 3    Arizona           14        16                 7,421,401
## 4   Arkansas           34        33                 3,030,522
## 5 California            1         1                39,368,078
## 6   Colorado           21        22                 5,807,719
##   census_population_04_2010 change_in_percentage change in absolute
## 1                 4,779,736                 3.0%           +141,796
## 2                   710,231                 2.9%            +20,927
## 3                 6,392,017                16.1%         +1,029,384
## 4                 2,915,918                 3.9%           +114,604
## 5                37,253,956                 5.7%         +2,114,122
## 6                 5,029,196                15.5%           +778,523
##   total_US_House_of_Representative_seats est_population_per_electoral_vote_2019
## 1                                      7                                  1.61%
## 2                                      1                                  0.23%
## 3                                      9                                  2.07%
## 4                                      4                                  0.92%
## 5                                     53                                 12.18%
## 6                                      7                                  1.61%
##        NA      NA      NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
## 1 546,837 703,076 682,819  1.48%  1.53% –0.05%  1.67%
## 2 243,719 731,158 710,231  0.22%  0.23% –0.01%  0.56%
## 3 674,673 824,600 710,224  2.23%  2.04%  0.19%  2.04%
## 4 505,087 757,631 728,980  0.91%  0.93% –0.02%  1.12%
## 5 715,783 742,794 702,905 11.82% 11.91% –0.09% 10.22%
## 6 645,302 829,674 718,457  1.74%  1.61%  0.14%  1.67%
##   Actual 2005\n\t\t\t  \t\t           total_spend
## 1                          $1,000,000  $1,313,659
## 2                          $1,000,000    $990,000
## 3                          $1,000,000  $1,557,644
## 4                          $1,000,000    $990,000
## 5                          $1,000,000 $11,039,310
## 6                          $1,000,000  $1,254,403
##   Actual 2007\n\t\t\t  \t\t           Actual 2008\n\t\t\t  \t\t          
## 1                          $1,767,375                          $2,199,717
## 2                          $1,000,000                          $1,000,000
## 3                          $2,228,590                          $2,896,828
## 4                          $1,027,338                          $1,297,202
## 5                         $14,832,295                         $18,066,131
## 6                          $1,679,463                          $2,119,802
##   Actual 2009\n\t\t\t  \t\t           Actual 2010\n\t\t\t  \t\t          
## 1                          $2,738,816                          $2,738,816
## 2                          $1,000,000                          $1,000,000
## 3                          $3,612,384                          $3,612,384
## 4                          $1,622,447                          $1,622,447
## 5                         $22,580,275                         $22,580,275
## 6                          $2,659,832                          $2,659,832
##   Actual 2011\n\t\t\t  \t\t           Actual 2012\n\t\t\t  \t\t          
## 1                          $2,994,316                          $2,556,869
## 2                          $1,554,670                            $933,567
## 3                          $3,733,355                          $3,372,404
## 4                          $1,911,273                          $1,514,664
## 5                         $25,976,518                         $21,080,209
## 6                          $3,022,085                          $2,483,132
##   Total\n\t\t  \t\t            
## 1                   $17,309,568
## 2                    $8,478,237
## 3                   $22,013,589
## 4                   $10,985,371
## 5                  $137,155,013
## 6                   $16,878,549
# We need to remove commas so that R can treat it as a number.
mydata[,"census_population_04_2010"] = gsub(",", "", mydata[,"census_population_04_2010"]) # removes all commas
(mydata[,"census_population_04_2010"] = as.numeric(mydata[,"census_population_04_2010"])) # converts to number data type
##  [1]  4779736   710231  6392017  2915918 37253956  5029196  3574097   897934
##  [9] 18801310  9687653  1360301  1567582 12830632  6483802  3046355  2853118
## [17]  4339367  4533372  1328361  5773552  6547629  9883640  5303925  2967297
## [25]  5988927   989415  1826341  2700551  1316470  8791894  2059179 19378102
## [33]  9535483   672591 11536504  3751351  3831074 12702379  1052567  4625364
## [41]   814180  6346105 25145561  2763885   625741  8001024  6724540  1852994
## [49]  5686986   563626
# Now we have to do the same thing with the funding totals
mydata[,"total_spend"] = gsub(",", "", mydata[,"total_spend"]) #this removes all commas
mydata[,"total_spend"] = gsub("\\$", "", mydata[,"total_spend"]) #this removes all dollar signs. We have a \\ because the dollar sign is a special character.
(mydata[,"total_spend"] = as.numeric(mydata[,"total_spend"])) #this converts it to a number data type
##  [1]  1313659   990000  1557644   990000 11039310  1254403   998325   990000
##  [9]  4494278  2578305   990000   990000  3729568  1798399   990000   990000
## [17]  1127212  1404776   990000  1576594  1752904  3009800  1441060   990000
## [25]  1620703   990000   990000   990000   990000  2399056   990000  5114558
## [33]  2333556   990000  3295093  1010647   990000  3345128   990000  1186047
## [41]   990000  1596222  7009094   990000   990000  2024830  1694515   990000
## [49]  1554314   990000
# Now we can do the plotting
options(scipen=9999) #stop it showing scientific notation
plot(x=mydata[,"census_population_04_2010"], y=mydata[,"total_spend"], xlab = 'Population', ylab='Total Spending')

cor.test(mydata[,"census_population_04_2010"], mydata[,"total_spend"]) # 0.9810979 - big correlation!
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  mydata[, "census_population_04_2010"] and mydata[, "total_spend"]
## t = 35.126, df = 48, p-value < 0.00000000000000022
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.9667588 0.9892853
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.9810979

Plot funding data on map

Perhaps it might be more interesting to see how the data is like on a map.

We can utilise map_data function in the ggplot package to help us with that.

Again, with a bit of data manipulation, we can merge the data table that contains the longitude and latitude information together with the funding data across different states.

all_states <- map_data("state") # states
colnames(mydata)[1] <- "state" # rename to states
mydata$state <- tolower(mydata$state) #set all to lower case
Total <- merge(all_states, mydata, by.x="region", by.y = 'state') # merge data
# we have data for delaware but not lat, long data in the maps
i <- which(!unique(all_states$region) %in% mydata$state) 

# Plot data
ggplot() + 
  geom_polygon(data=Total, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group, fill=Total$total_spend),colour="white") + 
  scale_fill_continuous(low = "thistle2", high = "darkred", guide="colorbar") + 
  theme_bw()  + 
  labs(fill = "Funding for School" ,title = "Funding for School between 2005 to 2012", x="", y="") + 
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=c()) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=c()) +
  theme(panel.border =  element_blank(),
        text = element_text(size=20))

Web scraping (Part 3)

Scrape from discussion forums

Coming soon..